User’s Guide
WinInizio PenSuite is a collection of free and open source software to be copied onto a USB Pen Drive or to use from Hard Disk. The software included in the PenSuite doesn’t require installation: as a matter of fact all the applications may be launched directly from the Pen Drive. You only have to plug the Pen Drive in a USB port of the PC and it is immediately possible to have at your disposal hundreds of software of all kinds and belonging to all categories, to have the right software in every situation.
Once downloaded Wininizio PenSuite, you have to unzip the file into a PenDrive using a decompressing utility. The compressed file contains 5 folders:
1 autorun.inf file
1 start.exe file
1 pdf file
1 text file
and Wininizio icon.
These files must be extracted to the root folder of the PenDrive (i.e.. G:\ or I:\ and not I:\Program files) and they will constitute the managing structure of the pen drive itself. The autorun.inf file has the “hidden” attribute and therefore shall not be visible unless you activate the proper function from “Folder Option”:
The Programmi folder contains all the “no-install” software to be launched using the LinkStart menu. The applications are already set up, with the exception of Emule, for which you have to input the information concerning your profile, and email clients such as nPOP and Thunderbird, where you need to set your accounts up.
The Documenti folder to which you can access through the Linkstart menu, can be be used as a normal forder to store files. The Preferiti folder will collect the Internet favorites and through the Info folder you can view all the information pertaining to WinInizio PenSuite.
The Software utili folder contains some useful tools for the maintenance of the PC FOR WHICH WE RECOMMEND THE UTMOST ATTENTION.
Once plugged in, the Pen Drive will be automatically recognized and you can choose to fire up the LinkStart menu to begin to use the Pensuite. Should you prefer not to use the autorun, you may fire up the menu double-clicking on the start.exe file in the PenDrive.
In order to access the folders of the PenDrive, to launch programs or to open documents, you only have to refer to the main menu.
Once running all the links to the applications and to the folders on the PenDrive will be visualized for an easier management.

The LinkStart menu will now appear in the system tray rpresented by the Wininizio icon.

In order to access the folders of the PenDrive, to launch programs or to open documents, you only have to refer to the main menu.
Once running all the links to the applications and to the folders on the PenDrive will be visualized for an easier management.
The most heartfelt thanks go to the whole staff and in particular the thanks goes to the developpers who contributed to the realization of the Pensuite: Marco Carrai, Oscar Fanelli, Alessio Galluzzi, Sergio Mansueto, Matteo Nardelli, Daniele Parodi, Pierfrancesco Petruzzelli, Luigi Puca.
A further thank to those who collaborated: Dr. Jekyll, isileth, Prozac, ZipGenius.
A big thank most of all to the Authors of the software included in WinInizio Pensuite.
All the rights reserved all the brands and trade names to all the respective owners are acknowledged.
The software contained in this collection may be redistributed according to the licenses of each application.
Person in charge and referent for the Project: Matteo Nardelli (
For technical support contact the pensuite forum on